Camping Unlimited is going green! Thanks to the generous donations by Jill and Christopher Escher (parents), Sigrid Van Bladel and Stephen Prutsman, (parents), Kenyon Chan (former counselor and longtime supporter) and Kenyon’s wife Shirley Hune (and the patient management of Don Etzbach and Sigrid Van Bladel), we now have our own 67.5 kW photovoltaic system which will provide electricity to us. Day One Solar, and its terrific crew, mounted solar panels on the roofs of our two main buildings (the Jon Lucchese Center and the Richard Bohn Arts and Crafts building). More were ground-mounted behind the Arts and Crafts building. While still connected to the PG&E grid, we may be able to cover most of our electricity costs from our own production. This takes Camp Krem another step toward environmental stewardship and clean energy, following our solar thermal pool heating system, installed recently. Roll on, sunshine – we are ready!