COVID-19 Safety at Camp Krem

The health and safety of our campers and staff is of the utmost importance to us, and we have multiple precautions in place to ensure we have a safe summer. For the safety of all participants, Camp requires that all participants agree to the following COVID-19 precautions and protocols.

Camping Unlimited follows the guidance of the CDC, State of California, Madera County Department of Public Health, and recommendations from the American Camp Association, Physicians & other medical professionals with whom we work.

Please review the information below to learn about our COVID-19 policies. Please note that updates may be made, and policies are subject to change, based on further guidance from health officials and changing circumstances.

All participants must self-monitor for symptoms 10 days prior to the camp session.

Participants agree to reduce their risk of exposure.  We ask all participants to use their best judgement in their decision-making regarding participation in large group and high-risk activities in the 10 days prior to the Camp session.

Vaccination Requirements:
All campers and staff are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. In accordance with the CDC guidelines, we strongly encourage all participants to have received a recent 2023-2024 updated COVID-19 vaccine.

Pre-Arrival Screening and Test:
Campers: 48 hours prior to arriving at Camp Krem, camper families need to complete a “Pre-Arrival Screening” to answer a few screening questions about exposure and symptoms, and to administer a COVID test (molecular, PCR & antigen tests are accepted). The Pre-Arrival Screening form is located in the Forms & Documents section of your Camp Krem account.
Staff: We will be conducting a pre-arrival health screening prior to staff’s arrival to Camp for Staff Orientation.

Arrival Day Screening & Testing:
Campers: On arrival day (for Summer Camp and Year-Round Programs), we will be administering COVID-19 tests, either at the bus stop or upon arrival at Camp, in the case of parent/guardian drop off. The health screening  at arrival will include a review of a symptom checklist, and possible exposure to COVID-19. Once test results have come back negative, and campers have been screened by our Healthcare team, they will be officially checked in and ready to begin their session/event!
NB: Please be aware that a positive test will result in the individual being turned away and unable to attend that session/event, and we will work with you to schedule a future session/event at a later date.

Staff: Staff will do a COVID test upon arrival at Camp, and will test again on the first day of each session.

Additional Testing:
Campers and Staff:
48 hours after arrival, a third COVID test will be conducted, in accordance with FDA recommendations;
Symptom Onset: Any individual who exhibits possible symptoms will be tested right away, and quarantined (along with the rest of their cabin group) until COVID can be ruled out. Our Healthcare Team will closely monitor camper and staff health, in order to identify, and isolate, as early as possible. We have bulk tests on-site, so we can administer tests any time anyone exhibits possible COVID-19 symptoms;
Travel Camp staff and campers will test upon returning at the end of the session, before coming into contact with Main Camp.

Masking: We strongly encourage masking indoors, for the protection of our camp community. We will have extra masks on hand, but ask that you send your camper with an adequate supply of masks (preferably KN-95 or comparable). Please be sure to communicate with your camper’s Counselors if they will require assistance or reminders with masking.

Isolation: In the event that a camper or staff member tests positive, we will quarantine them and will communicate with camper families as to next steps, which may include camper needing to be picked up. Please note that even if cabin groups are quarantined, we will work to ensure campers can still enjoy camp activities to the best of our ability — only at a different time/at a distance from other members of the Camp community.

Activities: Activities will be held outdoors as much as possible.

Mealtimes: Our dining hall is equipped with HEPA filters, and will have a lot of ventilation and air flow. We also have two outdoor patios for campers to eat meals, and will spread cabin groups out to reduce the number of people inside during meals. Masks will be required during meal set up in the dining hall, to prevent the spread of communicable illnesses.

Enhanced sanitation: We use hospital-grade sanitizers and disinfectants, and in addition to the usual cleaning, will have staff doing ongoing extra disinfection of bathrooms, equipment, and high touch areas including door handles, railings, light switches etc.

Hand Washing: Campers and staff will be encouraged to wash hands regularly, above and beyond “usual” hand washing. In addition, there are hand sanitizer dispensers located all over Camp, as a supplementary precaution, not as a replacement for hand washing.

Staff Precautions Off Work: Staff are expected to make COVID-safe and responsible choices in their time off, with regard to masking and social distancing. We ask that our staff avoid crowded indoor places and gatherings, for the safety of our campers, for the duration of their employment.


We continue to keep up with the latest COVID developments, including following all the recent guidelines from local, state and federal authorities, as well as the American Camp Association. Operating in-person Camp comes with inherent risks when it comes to exposure to colds, flu, COVID-19 and other communicable illnesses, however we do all we can to mitigate these risks and keep our camp community healthy.

Thank you for your understanding, and your cooperation in helping us ensure our campers and staff are as safe as possible, while still maintaining the “magic” of Camp!