Donating Appreciated Assets

If you own stocks or mutual fund shares, it may be beneficial to donate them to us and get the full benefit of their current value without having to pay Capital Gains Tax.

Here is an example:

Let’s say you have XYZ stock that is worth $1,000 that you purchased a while back for $100.

  • Option #1
    Sell the stock and give Camping Unlimited $1,000 in cash. You get a tax deduction receipt for $1,000 and you owe $250 to $300 in Federal and State taxes.
  • Option #2
    Transfer the XYZ Stock directly into our Schwab Brokerage Account. We get the same amount – $1,000. You get the same tax deduction receipt for $1,000, but you owe $0 in taxes.

Donating from your Schwab account

  • Account Name: Camping Unlimited
  • Account Number: 9529-0022

Donating from a non-Schwab account

Transfer instructions:

  • Institution Name: Charles Schwab
  • DTC# 0164 Code 40
  • Account Name: Camping Unlimited
  • Account Number: 9529-0022

Planned Giving

We have been at this for 64 years and have, from time to time, been generously remembered in behests. Estate planning is always a good idea. If you would like to remember us in your will, please do so. If you would like to discuss your intentions with us, please contact us.

Giving by Insurance

You might consider taking out an insurance policy naming us beneficiary. We believe you can deduct the amount of your insurance premiums as a donation.

In all these cases, we are not providing tax advice, and urge you to discuss these ideas with your own tax advisor.