For the third straight year, we have been honored by our wonderful friends at the San Andreas Regional Center’s “Service Above Self” awards dinner on October 20th. Christina Krem and Katie Giampa were nominated by Erica Chen, MSW, ASW, Service Coordinator-Early Start Unit at SARC, who wrote:

“Their passion clearly exist when you see individuals attending camp going up to them or them knowing all their names and their personalities…. They make individuals feel welcome and feel like home at a camp ground where individuals can go to them for anything. They are always looking for room to expand their services and how to improve the camp ground to make it a fun place for individuals to want to return to or at least try out…. Katie and Christina are always very welcoming of others…. They both are dedicated to the work they do and are so great with working with all the individuals and camp counselors to ensure the best experiences possible for individuals who attend camp at Camp Krem. I think they both deserve a recognition….”

Thanks, Erica. We agree.